關於Hy2我剛剛測試了,用Hysteria2協議對比ss直連協議網速居然可以達到2:1,這協議也太强悍了。(The Hysteria2 protocol was 2 times faster than the Shadowsocks protocol in a speed test in my environment. This protocol is awesome.)首先需要一個域名解析到節點機IP。(We need a domain name that has been resolved to the IP of the node)注意:服務端口、連接端口第一次不可以是80,因爲申請ssl/tls證書時會使用到80端口(Attention: 80 cannot be used as our port when first connect to the server since it should be reserved to apply a ssl/tls certificate.)面板操作:(My board configuration)節點機操作:(Run the scrip
目前中轉一般都是國内大帶寬VPS,配合翻墻有大幅度延遲降低+速度提升。綫路一般比較優質,例如你的VPS被墻了,但是可以通過中轉來使用。(Using high-bandwidth VPS in China's mainland as intermediaries may significantly reduce latency and increase speed while bypassing GFW.{The function of the intermediary VPS is traffic forwarding .} The routes are generally of great quality. We could still use our VPS through intermediary if our it gets block.)原理:用戶 >> 中轉 >> 你的VPS (Mechanism: local -> intermediary -> VPS)詳細點例如:用戶 >> 國内中轉入口 >> 國外出口 &g
作用:例如你本地設備沒有IPV6,但是有個IPV6 VPS,正常情況是不能連接的,通過以下方法可以連接節點使用。分爲兩個步驟:1.面板配置 2.節點文件配置必要條件:自行獲取cloudflare的郵箱和key。域名解析到cloudflare並開啓小雲朵cdn加速,然後機場面板使用Vmess對接后,地址可以是IP(優選IP等等)或者域名,根據自己情況填寫。面板中配置文件填寫以下:{ "path": "/", "headers": { "Host": "cdn加速域名" } } 節點中xrayr配置如下: