關於Hy2我剛剛測試了,用Hysteria2協議對比ss直連協議網速居然可以達到2:1,這協議也太强悍了。(The Hysteria2 protocol was 2 times faster than the Shadowsocks protocol in a speed test in my environment. This protocol is awesome.)
首先需要一個域名解析到節點機IP。(We need a domain name that has been resolved to the IP of the node)
注意:服務端口、連接端口第一次不可以是80,因爲申請ssl/tls證書時會使用到80端口(Attention: 80 cannot be used as our port when first connect to the server since it should be reserved to apply a ssl/tls certificate.)
面板操作:(My board configuration)
節點機操作:(Run the script on our node host. And the following is my configuration.)
wget -N https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wyx2685/V2bX-script/master/install.sh && bash install.sh