流量轉發 之 Cloudflare更新IP記錄

Python · 2024-04-19 · 298 人浏览
流量轉發 之 Cloudflare更新IP記錄

該脚本需要安裝 requests、ping3 模塊。

pip3 install requests
pip3 install ping3


  1. 检查指定的 URL 是否可达,如果全部可达则等待 5 分钟后重新检查,否则执行其他代码。
  2. 如果有 URL 不可达,则执行其他代码,其中包括对指定 IP 地址进行 ping 测试,并找到延迟最小的 IP。
  3. 使用 Cloudflare API 更新指定域名的 DNS 记录,将延迟最小的 IP 设置为域名的 A 记录。


import requests
import ping3
import time

api_key = ''
email = ""
domain = ''
prefix = ''

def check_urls(target_urls):
    for target_url in target_urls:
            response = requests.get(target_url, timeout=2)
            if response.status_code == 200:
                print(f"Request to {target_url} successful. Status code: {response.status_code}")
                print(f"Request to {target_url} failed with status code: {response.status_code}")
                return False
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error while requesting {target_url}: {e}")
            return False
    return True

def get_zone_id(domain):
    headers = {
        'X-Auth-Email': email,
        'X-Auth-Key': api_key,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    url = f'https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones?name={domain}'
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    return response.json()['result'][0]['id']

def get_record_id(domain, prefix):
    zone_id = get_zone_id(domain)  # 获取区域ID
    headers = {
        'X-Auth-Email': email,
        'X-Auth-Key': api_key,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    url = f'https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/{zone_id}/dns_records'
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    records = response.json()['result']
    for record in records:
        if record['name'] == f"{prefix}.{domain}":
            return record['id']
    return None

def DNS_Update(domain, record_type, prefix, record_content):
    headers = {
        'X-Auth-Email': email,
        'X-Auth-Key': api_key,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    zone_id = get_zone_id(domain)
    config_domain = prefix + '.' + domain
    record_id = get_record_id(domain, prefix)  # 获取记录ID

    url = f'https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/{zone_id}/dns_records'

    # 构建数据
    data = {
        'type': record_type,
        'name': config_domain,
        'content': record_content,
        'ttl': 120,
        'proxied': False

    # 如果记录已存在,则使用PUT请求更新记录
    if record_id:
        url += f'/{record_id}'
        response = requests.put(url, headers=headers, json=data)
        # 否则,使用POST请求添加新记录
        response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)

    # 检查响应状态码并打印结果
    if response.status_code == 200:
        print('Successfully updated/added:', config_domain, record_type, record_content)
        print('Failed to update/add:', config_domain, record_type, record_content)

def test_ping(target_ip):
        # 发送 ICMP ping 请求并获取延迟
        delay = ping3.ping(target_ip)

        if delay is not None:
            print(f"Ping to {target_ip} successful. Delay: {delay} ms")
            return delay
            print(f"No response from {target_ip}.")
            return 999
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error while pinging {target_ip}: {e}")
        return 999

if __name__ == "__main__":
    target_ips = ["", '']
    target_urls = ['https://gosogle.com', 'https://yosutube.com']

    # 检查 URL 是否正常,如果全部正常则等待 5 分钟后重复运行,否则执行其他代码
    while True:
        if check_urls(target_urls):
            print("All URLs are reachable. Waiting for 5 minutes before rechecking.")
            time.sleep(300)  # 5 minutes
            print("Some URLs are not reachable. Running other code.")

            delays = []
            min_delay_ip = None  # 用于存储当前最小延迟的IP
            min_delay = float('inf')  # 初始设定为无穷大

            for target_ip in target_ips:
                # 执行 ping 测试
                delay = test_ping(target_ip)

                # 更新最小延迟的IP
                if delay < min_delay:
                    min_delay = delay
                    min_delay_ip = target_ip

            print(f"The IP with the minimum delay is: {min_delay_ip} with delay: {min_delay} ms")
            DNS_Update(domain, 'A', prefix, min_delay_ip)
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