Configure nodes for your Xboard

機場運營 · 2024-03-29 · 351 人浏览
Configure nodes for your Xboard

Hello everyone, I'm Xue Li Li. My English proficiency is not very strong, so I hope you can understand me even if I write articles that may be difficult to comprehend.

Assuming you have xboard installed:

  1. Add a node configuration, such as vmess. You need to write some content for it.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

  1. To log in to your VPS and install XrayR or V2bx:

    • If you install XrayR, the configuration path is /etc/XrayR/config.yml.
    • If you install V2bx, the configuration path is /etc/V2bX/config.json.

I am currently installing XrayR.

Screenshot 4

I will restart XrayR once I have finished configuring it.

xrayr restart

Screenshot 5

Configuration files in VPS can be connected to different panels at the same time if you want add other board.

Different protocols can be added to a VPS, or they can be the same, such as two vmess and five ss.

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