{Max} 請求頭參數分析(待更新)

滲透逆向 · 2024-12-18 · 25 人浏览
{Max} 請求頭參數分析(待更新)

traceparent 和 tracestate 蠻簡單的,一個是直接扣就行,另一個是webpack,像之前一樣扣就行,這兩個參數搞定了。後續的參數等我更新吧。

var Tool_obj

function k(e) {
    return Array.from({
        length: e
    }).map(( () => "0123456789abcdef".charAt(Math.floor(16 * Math.random())))).join("")

traceparent = `00-${k(32)}-${k(16)}-${"00"}`

    c = {};
    function l(e) {
        var t = c[e];
        if (void 0 !== t)
            return t.exports;
        var n = c[e] = {
            id: e,
            loaded: !1,
            exports: {}
        console.log("Loading " + e)
        return o[e].call(n.exports, n, n.exports, l),
        n.loaded = !0,
    l.o = function(e, t) {
        return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t)
    l.d = function(e, t) {
        for (var n in t)
            l.o(t, n) && !l.o(e, n) && Object.defineProperty(e, n, {
                enumerable: !0,
                get: t[n]

    Tool_obj = l

    43138: function(e, t, n) {
        "use strict";
        function a() {
            let e;
            try {
                e = performance.now()
            } catch (t) {
                e = Date.now()
            return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, (t => {
                let n = 16 * Math.random();
                return n = (e + n) % 16 | 0,
                e = Math.floor(e / 16),
                ("x" === t ? n : 3 & n | 8).toString(16)
        n.d(t, {
            w: function() {
                return a

    3229: function(e, t, n) {
        "use strict";
        n.d(t, {
            C: function() {
                return i
        var a, r = n(43138);
        class i {
            static get createdAt() {
                return this._refreshWhenExpired(),
            static _getStoredTenantValue() {
                var e, t, n;
                try {
                    const r = null === (e = a._storage) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.readSync(a._BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG_STATE_KEY);
                    if (r)
                        return (null === (n = null === (t = JSON.parse(r)) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.routing) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.tenant) || "beam"
                } catch (e) {}
                return "beam"
            static getSessionDuration() {
                return "br" === this._getStoredTenantValue() ? this._maxBRSessionDuration : this._maxBEAMSessionDuration
            static extendSession() {
                this._sessionExpiration = Date.now() + this.getSessionDuration(),
            static get sessionId() {
                return this._refreshWhenExpired(),
            static isSessionExpired() {
                return !this._sessionId || Date.now() >= this._sessionExpiration
            static _isValidStorageSession(e, t, n) {
                const a = Boolean(t) && "number" == typeof t
                  , r = Boolean(n) && "number" == typeof n && !this.isSessionExpired.apply({
                    _sessionId: e,
                    _sessionExpiration: n
                return a && r
            static _loadSessionFromStorage() {
                var e;
                let t, n, r;
                try {
                    const i = null === (e = a._storage) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.readSync(a._SESSION_STATE_KEY);
                    if (!i)
                    ({created: n, expires: r, uuid: t} = JSON.parse(i))
                } catch (e) {
                this._isValidStorageSession(t, n, r) && this._updateSession(t, n)
            static onSessionCreated(e) {
            static _refreshWhenExpired() {
                this.isSessionExpired() && this._updateSession()
            static _saveSessionToStorage() {
                const {_storage: e} = this;
                e && e.writeSync(this._SESSION_STATE_KEY, JSON.stringify({
                    uuid: this._sessionId,
                    created: this._createdAt,
                    expires: this._sessionExpiration
            static setStorage(e) {
                if (!e || !e.readSync || !e.writeSync)
                    throw new Error("SessionManager: IStorage must support readSync and writeSync");
                a._storage = e,
            static _updateSession(e, t) {
                this._sessionId = null != e ? e : (0,
                this._createdAt = null != t ? t : Date.now(),
                this._callbacks.forEach((e => e()))
        a = i,
        i._callbacks = new Set,
        i._createdAt = Date.now(),
        i._maxBEAMSessionDuration = 18e5,
        i._maxBRSessionDuration = 3e5,
        i._sessionId = (0,
        i._sessionExpiration = a._createdAt + a.getSessionDuration(),
        i._SESSION_STATE_KEY = "session",
        i._BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG_STATE_KEY = "bootstrap-config"


var a = Tool_obj(3229)
function _generateTraceState(){
    return `wbd=session:${a.C.sessionId}`
tracestate = _generateTraceState()

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