本次系統:Ubuntusudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y squid檢測是否開啓轉發sysctl -a |grep -w ip_forward若爲0則找到/etc/sysctl.conf文件,修改爲以下内容修改 /etc/squid/squid.conf 配置文件 http_access deny all 為 http_access allow allgrep -n 'http_access deny all' /etc/squid/squid.conf在 /etc/squid/squid.conf文件 添加DNS解析dns_nameservers啓動systemctl start squid systemctl status squid默認代理端口為3128
我的哪吒面板VPS是IPV6 only,如果是IPV4的小雞探針對接的話就對接不上,解決方案:1.要麽安裝warp,2.要麽雙棧,3.要麽就端口轉發。那麽也有特殊情況,例如有的IPV4的小鷄不能開啓warp,那麽就需要用到下面的教程:此次教程所需:一臺IPV4 only VPS一臺IPV4 中轉 VPS一臺IPV6哪吒面板機這次的教學為配置端口轉發來實現對接哪吒面板。此次需要用到三臺VPS,原理為:ipv4 only vps >> IPV4 中轉 VPS(已開啓warp獲取IPV6) >> IPV6哪吒面板機1.首先隨意一臺VPS部署極光面板,只要添加的伺服器裏面是IPV4 中轉 VPS(已開啓warp獲取IPV6)即可。2.點擊查看端口,添加端口5555(哪吒通信),遠程地址填寫你的哪吒對接的域名,也就是沒開CDN的那個(非面板域名。)3.部署好以後,可以直接通過哪吒面板後臺的命令複製(替換一下),第一個就是原命令,第二個就是你替換後的命令,通過運行第二個命令就可以IPV4 only VPS對接上你的IPV6 only 面板了:curl -L https://
有些VPS商家不會提供默認root賬戶和密碼,有些命令只能通過 sudo su 來提權,可通過以下方法設置root賬戶登錄。 (Some VPS providers do not provide a default root account and password. Some commands can only be executed with elevated privileges using sudo su. You can set up a root account login using the following method:)sudo sed -i 's/^#\?PermitRootLogin.*/PermitRootLogin yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config sudo sed -i 's/^#\?PasswordAuthentication.*/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config然後重置密碼(Then set our password for root)passwd root重啓
之前我都機場面板配置是1c1g15G的racknerd 10$/year款,後來發現内存、硬盤容易爆滿,於是換了一家[**VisionCloudCompute**][2]的定制版2c2g15G ipv6 only,搭建速度很快,包括安裝程式的速度。有需要的朋友可以去光顧一下。(I used to host my airport control panel in my 10$/y racknerd 1c1g15g machine which was found its memory and disk were not enough for my needs. Recently I turned to VisionCloudCompute custom-made 2c2g15g ipv6 only . It was fast to build up the panel. Check it out if you're interested.)
注冊地址(Register address)。郵箱驗證后,登錄面板選擇add new注冊一個域名。(After email verification, log in to the control panel and select add new to register a domain name.)DNS解析(DNS resolving)